Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yankees vs. Red Sox

People can't believe it when I say that I like the Yankees more than the Red Sox.

The Yankees? How can you like the Yankees?

They say it like it's a curse word.

Listen, I'm not saying that I like the Yankees. I'm just saying that I hate the Red Sox. You know what, I do like the Yankees. And I'll get to that point in a minute

First of all, unless you've been living under a rock, you know all about the curse, and about the rivaly, and all that nonsense that Red Sox fans are so happy to rant and rave about. (The only think I liked about them winning the World Series was that it meant they would finally shut up about curses and suffering).

There's two main reasons why I choose the Yankees over the Red Sox.

One is pretty personal.

As a Philadelphia sports fan, I take extreme offense to Red Sox fans claiming they are the longet-suffering fans. Don't even get me started. Let's just tackle this one with some bullet points so I can get on to my main point.
1. Philadelphia has a 4-sport drought covering 23 years.
2. Boston had a 1-sport drought covering 86 years. Great. Unless you were born in Nineteen-Dickety-Two, that drought has only affected you for so long.
(To put this in perspective, I was born literally months after Philadelphia's last any sport. So for every 20-something-year-old Boston fan who went 20 years w/o a World Series win and had to settle for basketball and football dynasties...don't expect me to feel sorry for you.)

That's my personal reason.

But the main reason is that Red Sox fans took that underdog routine way too far. I'm a fan of underdogs. I always lose my March Madness pools because I pick too many. But this Red Sox thing was ridiculous. And there's the problem. The Yankees, since day one, have been pretty upfront about their business. They field the best team money can buy. The Red Sox, as their fans would have you believe, are made up of career minor-leaguers, bargain players only they could find, and converted fishermen. Here's what I say to that: Manny Ramirez, Pedro Martinez, and Curt Schilling. When your biggest reason to hate the Yankees is that they have the highest payroll, and your team has the second highest payroll, you're not gonna get too many backers.

I'm not a Yankees fan, but I respect the quality of the organization, same with Duke basketball. I like having the Yankees around. As a friend of mine recently put it, they're a great foil. You need to have the Yankees. Just like you need to have yin and yang...darkness and light...I don't know...gravity and...jetpacks.

So we need the Yankees, but we certainly don't need the Red Sox. Or their whiny fans and oversaturated media coverage.

Now I'm gonna go watch the Office.

Oh, and furthermore Susan, I think that every team that wins the World Series should have to play the Yankees to truly be champions. No matter what their record is, you need to go through them to win it all...kind of like the boss at the end of a video game.

I'm not sure if there is a way to post comments. But if there is, and you're reading this, let me know what you think (about yanks-sox and anything else I've written or haven't written about).


BC said...

Yeah boy! I went to college in New England and suffered 4 years of Red Sox/New Englander torment. The SuperBowl was the low point, but Aaron Boone's homer was pretty sweet. I remember my buddy Pete, who you have met, sitting on a rock talking to his high school ex-girlfriend after that game crying to her about how this hurts more than breaking up with her. Awesome. I now hate the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, and pretty much everything New England besides foliage and chowda'. I hate those stupid pink Red Sox hats and girls who are Red Sox fans. Some might be real fans, but I really think it is just something they do to get attention from Boston idiot faces who will think they are cool and maybe they can live out a fantasy like that in "Fever Pitch" (I haven't seen it, but goddam I hate it).

I like the Yankees because my dad is from NY, but I agree about everything you say from how the Sox have the second highest payroll (how about getting Dice-K for $100 million!?!), yet their fans curse the Yankees for spending so much. I wish our teams would spend the most to be good every year, who wouldn't?

Good work. My blog is starting to grow. Our first real post should be up today or tomorrow I hope. For now its just a picture and sweet video.

administrator said...

Foil indeed!