Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dear Diary...

On a night of sleeplessness, we're doing some furious blogging over here at And Furthermore Susan. Sure, most of it is just re-issuing old material, but that is still work. And work is hard.

So right now, on the eve of our 18th issue, let us start by a list, like always, in no particular order, of things I won't be blogging about.

1. Some jerk who cut me off on the freeway
2. Feelings of underappreciation at work
3. How great I feel about getting in touch with a long-lost friend
4. "After I brushed my teeth, I thought about getting some orange juice..." ad nauseum
5. Details of a great weekend
6. Details of a poor weekend
7. Nobody likes me the world sucks I wish I lived in Cleveland why are there so many ugly people did you ever notice how short people and fat people whats the deal with airline food when do I get what I want last night's club was so boring we need to save trees there are too many blah blah blahs around for me to blah blah blah without gettting blah blahed in the face...

The point I am trying to make is that, like you, I am disgusted by the word 'blog'. It brings to mind immediately images of too-cool twentysomething hipsters and overly dramatic sixteen-year-old girls (eeeeeeeeeeee!) and woe-is-me mothers who think people actually care about their lives. I'm not like that. I know you don't care about my life. To be honest, I find myself drifting in and out sometimes. So please, let me reassure you that this is not, and will not be, a personal diary aired out in cyberspace. No, it's more like a place where I write about the Phillies and Eagles and music. So there.


Just another normal day for me yesterday. Made it home from work in record time! Caught a great episode of the Office. And I finally got in touch with that long-lost friend...


But seriously, here is a link to something that will make all Philadelphians proud.

And if you take it a step further, you might get to check out The Mamula.

Speaking of sandwiches, I do have a few things to say on the subject.

Schmitter's are delicious.

"A sammich isn't a sammich without a pickle." - Coach Colston

Truer words were never spoken.

Last but not least, if you are into cutting edge movie making from the ground up, check out Prototype Productions, a great website from some buddies holding it down in the Lehigh Valley, winners of Best Comedy at the 2005 New York Film Festival for Inconvenience.

Oh, and furthermore Susan, I would have to say that Rolling Rock is a great beer, and if anybody has any ideas on what the '33' is in reference to, please send it on down the line. It's been keeping me up at night.


Sticking with the previously-written article trend, here is something I wrote for a newsletter after a trip to Amsterdam, also known as the greatest city in the world.

Amsterdam: Smokin' Hot Coffee, Red-Hot Bikes

I just got back from Amsterdam. What a crazy city! Nobody ever told me there was so much coffee in Amsterdam. Everywhere I looked there was a coffee shop, offering different kinds of very high quality yet inexpensive coffee. Now, I haven't drank any coffee since I've been in Ireland, but I figured, when in Rome...

The second we got off the plane my friends and I bought a huge pot of coffee. In no time we were giggling and telling stories and having a great time. No wonder coffee is so popular. It did make me pretty hungry, though. Luckily there were tons of fast food and fried food and dessert food stores, just what I was in the mood for. After all that coffee and food we were pretty tired so we went to bed, but not before our hostel-guy told us that it was alright to drink coffee in the hostel. He seemed to be encouraging it, almost insisting. We didn't want to disappoint him so we all had one more cup of coffee before retiring for the evening.

The next day my friends and I bought some very powerful coffee and went to the zoo. The zoo was amazing! For some reason the animals looked a little funnier than normal, maybe that's just the way animals look in Amsterdam. All I know is I couldn't stop laughing at them. We also took a trip to the Van Gogh museum. I don't know if it was the coffee getting to me or if Van Gogh was crazy, but that was some serious art. Seemed to be jumping off the wall.

Another thing about Amsterdam, there are bikes everywhere. They are for sale in windows throughout the city, but mostly for sale in one section of town. I think it was called the red bike district. They also had lots of bike-related products for sale: safety gear, kickstands, videos on bike riding, you name it. You could rent these bikes for an hour or just ten minutes, depending how long you wanted to ride. I didn't rent any bikes, but I was surprised to see so many old men doing it. I guess it is nice to see them getting out and enjoying a relaxing midnight bike ride after the missus has gone to sleep.

The best thing about the bikes is how they put safety first - the government is constantly checking the bikes for anything that might cause an accident, and the riders always wear helmets.

Overall, Amsterdam was an amazing trip. I spent most of my time sampling these different kinds of coffee. We had a lot of fun with that. I regret that I didn't bring any coffee beans back with me so I could grow my own. It's just not the same in the States. Oh well, maybe I will go back some day. I can get my coffee fix and maybe even ride a bike or two...with a helmet of course.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, a great alternative pronunciation for the city is Hamsterdance.

That is all.

Philadelphia Daily News

Here is the article I wrote for the Daily News. I wrote it my sophomore year of college but didn't send it in until my senior year. It ran on my birthday.

The Job of a Philadelphia Sports Fan
By Robert Smyth

I confess. I’m the guy. Scores of sports-loving Philadelphians would love to get their hands on me if they only knew what I have done over the years. You see, I am single-handedly responsible for all the failure and ineptitude of our beloved sports franchises. Every bad pitch, every dropped ball, every missed shot and stupid penalty, they’re all my fault.

As a sports-loving Philadelphian myself, I’ve watched my share of Eagles, Flyers, Sixers, and Phillies games, and at an early age, I realized that I had a unique connection to the teams playing. An intrinsic bond, perhaps. Maybe even a little telepathy mixed in there. I now watch games not for enjoyment, but because it is my job.

When something goes wrong, I know it is because I let them down. Remember that shellacking the Tampa Bay Buccaneers gave the Eagles in the NFC Championship last year? Well I ditched all my friends to watch it at my girlfriend’s house. The overtime goal Ottawa scored on the Flyers to end our playoff hopes? Bathroom break. See, every move I make, every thought I think, beer I drink, and chip I eat plays a direct role in the game I’m watching. When Joe Carter hit the ninth inning home run off of Mitch Williams to win the World Series, I was in my place, trying to do everything right. My mom asked me a question and I refused to respond. I had a chip in my mouth but I refused to swallow. But then out of nowhere, I had to go and crack my knuckles – a silence-breaking omen of popping bone that still haunts me to this day, followed immediately by a silence-breaking pop of bat on ball.

I let us down. And I can say “us” you see, because I am a part of the team. It’s not easy handling all this responsibility. If the Sixers are blowing a team out in the fourth quarter, I can’t leave the game to beat traffic like everyone else. No, the second I turn my head I know I will hear a groan from the fans, marking the beginning of a record-setting comeback. It may seem like a curse, but I’m glad to have this distinction. Better me than somebody else; I know my job and I try my best.

Then again, since I was born in 1983, no Philly team has won a championship – the longest losing streak of any city with four major sports. Don’t blame it all on me, though. Without me, our teams may have been stuck in the cellar of their respective divisions forever. Although I am responsible for the mishaps, I am also responsible for the positive things that happen in PhillySportsWorld.

Every Sunday this year, no matter how late I was out the night before, I manage to wake up before noon and get ready for the Eagles game. You think it’s easy chugging a beer every time the Eagles score a touchdown? Or eating a soft pretzel to help turn a double play?
Sometimes I get in a little over my head, like when I had to say, word for word, “Yeah, yeah, yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” every time the Flyers were about to take a shot. Try casually slipping that into a conversation every few minutes.

I’m not complaining, though, because all the work I put into game days makes victory that much sweeter. It’s a tough job, but it’s mine, and somebody has to do it.
So, if you’ve ever felt like the fate of the Phillies extra-innings rally lies solely in your ability to consume a hot dog before each pitch, you can stop worrying and put that dog down. All the responsibility is mine, and I accept it.

The fate of our teams is in my hands; it’s a job I take seriously.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, the byline read:

Robert Smyth is a senior English major at DeSales University and lives in Oreland.

Gotta represent.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dead In My Tracks

There's a handful of songs that I have heard where I can picture the exact moment I heard them for the first time. 'No One Knows' by Queens of the Stone Age is the first that comes to mind. I remember everything about that moment - I was making a right turn at a red light off of Bridge St. Not positive why I remember, probably because the song is awesome, but also I remember thinking this was the first song by the new "supergroup" made up of Chris Cornell and the members of Rage Against the Machine. At the time, I had no idea they would be called Audioslave, and no idea what they would sound like. (I thought it was a pretty good guess, because I had never heard of QotSA before.) Turns out they sound like Rage Against the Machine with Chris Cornell singing vocals.

But that's not the point. The point is, some songs just stop you in your tracks.

A few years later I was at my house, having just woken up the day after Easter. I turned on MTV (actually MTV2, so I felt like I was ahead of the curve (alas, I wasn't)) and saw the beginning of a music video - it looked like something out of Wallace and Grombit, it was definitely nothing I had seen before. And when I heard the first line, "I crashed my car into a cop car the other day," I kind of froze. Yes, we're talking about 'Float On,' Modest Mouse. I felt like it was my duty to pass the song along to everyone I knew. I was in college, and I must have downloaded it onto like twenty people's computers.

Let's back it up a couple of years. Down the shore with some family, chilling down on a pier late at night with two cousins. We come back to the house, feeling pretty good, and throw on MTV (again, playing music videos, who'd of thunk?). I see an animated video (always entertaining) and a weird, chilling vocal begins the song. Sounds like something out of...yeah, a Western movie. "I'm happy, feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag," I'm a group of four cartoon characters singing about monkeys dancing like Michael Jackson. Possibly my favorite video of all time. Gorillaz, 'Clint Eastwood.'

Another one that happens to have been caught on MTV2 was from the summer after my senior year of high school. I remember lying on the floor of my living room, with my sister in the other room typing on the computer, seeing a guy I thought I recognized sitting on a chair in a black-and-white concert video. The song sounded so good I felt like I had heard it before, but I hadn't. Turns out the guy sitting on the chair, playing what I later learned was a slide guitar, happened to be Ben Harper, pals with a then-unknown surfer-songwriter named Jack Johnson. "Please please please don't drag me down." 'Flake.'

I guess the thing about these songs is really the people singing them - I had never heard of Queens, Modest Mouse, Gorillaz, or Jack Johnson prior to that, so it was a new sound. Also, they are four really good songs. This brings me to my next point (or my first point, but who's counting?), which is about two songs that I like - 'Last Nite' by the Strokes, and 'California Waiting' by Kings of Leon. Don't have a pinpointed date on the first time I heard these songs, but I really liked both of them, and was prompted to follow the bands. At this point, their careers are almost mirror images, and that's what I want to get into.

The Strokes, along with The White Stripes, kind of ushered in this new rock and roll that is pretty popular these days. When Kings of Leon broke out, they were called the Southern Strokes. The comparisons don't end there. Coming up next: Geometry Proof wherein I assert that music critics are jerks and Ryan Howard may not have such a sweet season.

1. I go to a Strokes concert, Kings of Leon open for them.
2. I see a picture of Kings of Leon, they look exactly like the Strokes would look if they were from Alabama and not New York. (All the members of both bands dress and look alike).
3. They both release second albums, which can only be described as louder, tighter, faster, and better versions of their original albums. As a result, it's exactly what guys like me, the fans, are looking for.
4. Both second albums are criticized for sounding too much like the first album.
5. (and this is where I'm upset) Both bands release third albums where they try and steer clear of the sound that got them popular in the first place, either trying to "experiment" or to please their critics.
6. Both albums are just not as sweet as the older ones.
7. (where I compare them to Ryan Howard) The junior-year slump is the new sophomore slump.
8. Music critics are jerks.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, who said geometry was hard?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Room 112 - Da Art of Da Remix

Now this story I'm about to unfold took place back in the nineties - just after our conflict with Sad'm and the Eye-rackies. I only mention it cause sometimes there's a man - I won't say a hero - but sometimes there's a man....

...sometimes there's a man....Aw heck, I lost my train of thought.

Well let's just put it this way, a piece of music is a piece of music.

Guitar, opera, you name it, it's all music.

But sometimes, it can be art.

And that's what I'm talking about here, ladies and gentlemen - art. The ability to transcend the form. To create something so unique, so perfect, that everyone else may as well say, "Well I should just quit right now, because there is no way I'm topping that."

And that is what we have here.

And that man I was talking about before, that man I was so reluctant to call a hero? Well his name is Ma$e, and he is a hero.

I present to you, probably the finest example of art to come out of the 20th century.

Hell, if my generation, my father's generation, his father's generation, the entire Western Civilization even, is known for one thing, I want it to be this.

I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
Eh eh, Eh eh
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
Uh uh
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
Check It Out

Je-sus The Notorious Just
Please Us With Your Lyrical Thesis
We Just Chillin Milk Em Top Billin
Silk And Pure Linen, Me And Little Ceas
Malibu Sea Breeze, Dom P's, Palm Trees,
Cats Lay Paublo In Milked Out Diablos
The Williest B*tches Be The Silliest
The More I Smoke The Smaller The Phillie Gets
Room 112 Where The Players Dwell
To Stash More Cash Than Bert Fidel
Inhale Make You Feel Good Like Tony Toni Tone (Feels Good)
Dig Up In Your Middle Like Monie (Yeah)
Don't Know Me But Your Settin Up To Blow Me
Try To Style, Fly Up North With A Homey (Yes)
It's Style Dondatta
Playas Stay Splurgin' Game So Tight They Call It Virgin

Oh I Need To Know Where We Stand
Do We Share This Special Thing Called Love
I Know I Do What About You
I Just Can't Get Enough Of Your Time
I Need You In My Life
Where Do I Go
What Do I Do
I Can't Live Without Your Love
Thinkin' Of You, Makes Me Feel
Like I'm The Only One For You
Girl I Want To Be With You
No One Else, Only You
Why Can't We Just Make It Happen
Baby, I Need You In My Life
Everytime I'm With You
Never Want It To Come To End
(Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop)
You Always Make Me So Happy
You'll Always Have A Place In My Heart

Now You Can Hum All You Want To
Come All You Want To
Money I'm A Front You
Girl I Wanna Flaunt You
I'm A Always Want You
When Nobody Wants You
If I Die Now My Love Will Still Haunt You
Mase Ain't The One That'll Pay For Your Phone
Mase Be The One That'll Take You Home
Even Though I'm Not The One That Gave You The Stone
On Your Days Alone I Can Make You Moan
Everybody Know I Got More Bounce Than The Ounce
Bad Boy Get More Money Than You Can Count
Why I'm Buying Things You Can't Even Pronounce
I'd Do It To Your Cat For A Large Amount
And When The Beef Come You Know Where To Be Found
Why I Be Around Til The Winner Is Announced (The Winner Is...)
So There You Go Girl With Thousands In Your Palms
Why You Can't Let By Gones Be By Gones (Good Fellas)

Where Do I Go
What Must I Do
If I Can't Live Without Your Love
Thinkin' Of You, Makes Me Feel, Baby
Like I'm The Only One For You

I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
I Thought I Told You That We Won't Stop
Eh eh, Eh eh

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, this couldn't have been done with just M-A-dollar sign-E. Well, it probably could have been done by just him, but in this particular case, he had the help of the Notorious B.I.G and 112.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Okay, we're going to keep this short and sweet, because tomorrow morning I will be leaving for Las Vegas.

Just typing that sentence is kind of ridiculous.

Las Vegas? It's gonna be crazy.

Absolutely ridiculous.

And people like me don't really need to go to places like Las Vegas, 24-hour adult playgrounds, if you will.

Especially with the people I will be going with.

In honor of Vegas being a gambler's mecca, let's do some quick over/unders.

over/under on how many things I will break:

5.5 (easily the over if casinos serve bottled beer)

over/under on fights:

.5 (I don't see it happening, but you never know)

over/under on near-fights:

3.5 (much more likely)

over/under on money lost gambling:

$650 (jeez, I'm afraid to answer this one)

Finally, money line on falling in love w/ a stripper:

10 grand to win 5 grand.

10 grand? let me see you shake it like you got no bones in your body and you was meant to be a celebrity.

oh, and furthermore, susan, the other weekend I stumbled upon a great nickname while playing poker - Gamblor.

It's fun to say in a deep voice like Darth Vader.

Gamblor. Lord of all gambling.

(I was drinking 7% beer at the time)

Well, see ya next week, unless I find a way to blog from the hotel and/or prison.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Onward and Upward

We're not going to be discussing sandbags today...or stinkpalms.

And that, right there, is your first lesson.

Never trust a sandbagger.

We will go into a little detail on Tigers vs. Sharks - The Video Game.

Quick backstory: I was curious (as I'm sure you have been before) as to who would win in a fight between a tiger and a shark. Naturally the shark would win in water, and the tiger would win on land (in fact, those wouldn't really even be considered fights, more like "dinner," but I digress).

So what to do about the pesky problem of location?

Outer space, you say?


Did I hear make the animals gigantic?

Well done, sir!

The easiest way to ensure a fair fight is to have them battle in outer space, that way the tiger could straddle one of the planets, and the shark could fly around in space (gravity finally helps me out for once). Keep in mind the fact that they will be huge, so the tiger will literally be sitting on the planet, with its tail like curled around it for support.

The shark has the advantage of mobility, just like in the ocean, it gets to circle its prey and come in for quick strikes.

The tiger has to stay where it is (if it jumps off the planet it will float through space) but has the advantage of having paws. If it can get a good grip around the shark, it has a good chance to do some damage?

What do you think?

I think I've finally leveled the playing field for two hideous rival beasts.

Oh, and furthermore susan, we can take this game all the way to the top, mortal kombat style.
Picture a gigantic squid, which just floats in space, and is able to hurl planets and stars and moons (moons!) at its opponent. Maybe even some kind of giant snake, or, for some animal that is really small, because going gigantic only goes so far, there could be a pack of them, like a pack of bats, or some kind of insect. Basically, just picture any animal in the world, now picture them gigantic, now picture them somewhere in outer space, and pissed off.

Can't miss, I say.

Before I go, let me just give a shout out to

These guys gave me the idea to make a blog, and it's one-stop-shopping for some sweet pictures and videos.

Oh, and check out

He knows the score.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tigers vs. Sharks

Just a few quick thoughts on a rainy Sunday night.

It's April 15th and there is snow in the forecast. Thanks a lot, Al Gore. I'll give you an inconvenient the face!

Planet Earth is probably the greatest television show ever created. It should get its own channel. As of right now, it is on the Discovery Channel. I highly recommend it, especially if you have HD.

I will be leaving for Las Vegas on Thursday. If only I could somehow film myself the entire time. Maybe I'll get one of those ski helmets w/ a camera built in....or hire my own E! True Hollywood Story video crew like in Along Came Polly.

This brings me to my next point. We need to be able to film ourselves at all times, without having to lug a giant camera around. There were a few instances this past weekend where that kind of technology really would have paid off. Imagine sitting around with your friends on a Saturday afternoon after a late night. You take turns putting in your own videos, which were shot from your eyes' perspective, and see what happens. For instance, in my video, you might see a fist come flying at the camera, a quick view of the ceiling, and then it goes black and white. Pop in one of my friends videos next and you'll see me in the background walking up to a group of guys w/ baggy pants and sideways hats.

There's another solution, which is: become famous.

Nursing a hangover one morning, I was at a bar eating breakfast and the news channel was on. One of those tickers went by at the bottom of the screen saying something like: "Prince William and longtime girlfriend broke up last night. The Prince is quoted as saying that he's not yet ready for marriage."

Imagine if all your personal life stuff was shown on a ticker on a respected news channel, printed like it's actually news.

"After a late night at a local pub, John McMurphy and his ex-girlfriend, Sheila Moss, have rekindled their relationship. "She's the greatest thing that ever happened to me, I love you baby!" was the only quote we could get before they stumbled into their car, presumably driving drunk to one of their apartments."

And imagine if it carried on, like some famous people we know...

We asked Mr. McMurphy's close friend, Hal Morris, for his take on the situation. "Yeah, they always seemed right for each other. I think it's going to last."

However, Mr. McMurphy's other friend, identified only as 'Twinkles,' countered with this argument, " Bullshit man! They were both just hammered! I bet he kicks her out before 11 am tomorrow!"

I honestly can't imagine how ridiculous that would be.

In fact, that movie EDTv might be about that very thing.

Speaking of EdTV, there used to be a tv show called Ed, and it was pretty good. The main character now guests on Scrubs as JD's older brother, and Michael Ian Scott, from the Sierra Mist commercials, works at a bowling alley.

You know what, I probably could have put like 10 other legitimate shows down to identify Michael Ian Scott but I'm sticking with the Sierra Mist commercials.

You know who else is on those commercials? Jim Gaffigan.

We're coming full circle here, and I'm gonna mention a video of a crocodile that gets its dinner (a baby antelope or something) stolen from its jaws by a hippo...only to see the hippo let the thing free. Talk about a sandbag.

So let me check for this clip.

Oh, and furthermore susan, in our next issue we will delve a little deeper into what exactly a sandbag is, compare it to a stinkpalm, and also pitch a video game idea involving a tiger and a shark.

Here's the link:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yankees vs. Red Sox

People can't believe it when I say that I like the Yankees more than the Red Sox.

The Yankees? How can you like the Yankees?

They say it like it's a curse word.

Listen, I'm not saying that I like the Yankees. I'm just saying that I hate the Red Sox. You know what, I do like the Yankees. And I'll get to that point in a minute

First of all, unless you've been living under a rock, you know all about the curse, and about the rivaly, and all that nonsense that Red Sox fans are so happy to rant and rave about. (The only think I liked about them winning the World Series was that it meant they would finally shut up about curses and suffering).

There's two main reasons why I choose the Yankees over the Red Sox.

One is pretty personal.

As a Philadelphia sports fan, I take extreme offense to Red Sox fans claiming they are the longet-suffering fans. Don't even get me started. Let's just tackle this one with some bullet points so I can get on to my main point.
1. Philadelphia has a 4-sport drought covering 23 years.
2. Boston had a 1-sport drought covering 86 years. Great. Unless you were born in Nineteen-Dickety-Two, that drought has only affected you for so long.
(To put this in perspective, I was born literally months after Philadelphia's last any sport. So for every 20-something-year-old Boston fan who went 20 years w/o a World Series win and had to settle for basketball and football dynasties...don't expect me to feel sorry for you.)

That's my personal reason.

But the main reason is that Red Sox fans took that underdog routine way too far. I'm a fan of underdogs. I always lose my March Madness pools because I pick too many. But this Red Sox thing was ridiculous. And there's the problem. The Yankees, since day one, have been pretty upfront about their business. They field the best team money can buy. The Red Sox, as their fans would have you believe, are made up of career minor-leaguers, bargain players only they could find, and converted fishermen. Here's what I say to that: Manny Ramirez, Pedro Martinez, and Curt Schilling. When your biggest reason to hate the Yankees is that they have the highest payroll, and your team has the second highest payroll, you're not gonna get too many backers.

I'm not a Yankees fan, but I respect the quality of the organization, same with Duke basketball. I like having the Yankees around. As a friend of mine recently put it, they're a great foil. You need to have the Yankees. Just like you need to have yin and yang...darkness and light...I don't know...gravity and...jetpacks.

So we need the Yankees, but we certainly don't need the Red Sox. Or their whiny fans and oversaturated media coverage.

Now I'm gonna go watch the Office.

Oh, and furthermore Susan, I think that every team that wins the World Series should have to play the Yankees to truly be champions. No matter what their record is, you need to go through them to win it all...kind of like the boss at the end of a video game.

I'm not sure if there is a way to post comments. But if there is, and you're reading this, let me know what you think (about yanks-sox and anything else I've written or haven't written about).

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Speaking of Steroids...

Since I strive to keep this blog up to date, let's talk about a brand new phenomenon that is sweeping the country...American Idol!

No, just kidding, we're talking about steroids, which is quite possibly one of the most beaten-into-the-ground stories in the news.

So I guess it can't hurt for me to throw my hat in the ring.

Let's just try and process this as normal, common-sensical human beings.

There's no question guys like McGwire, Sosa, and Bonds have been taking them, and it's been pretty well-documented in Olympic sports - where a split-second can mean the difference between gold and bronze - that athletes have been testing positive.

Now I don't defend steroids, but some people are so unapologetic about athletes using them that you know what, I am going to defend steroids. Right now.

Point #1: It's not like a magic potion that makes you a better athlete. Steroids allow you to get that extra rep in during a workout, or push yourself a little harder during a sprint, and yeah, they can cause muscle build-up that goes above and beyond what a normal person could accomplish. But the fact is, if I took steroids for a year, I still wouldn't be able to hit a curve ball, or run any faster than I do now. Because they don't work if you don't put the work in.

Point #2: This is their job. You've never cheated to get ahead? There's been plenty of cases of teachers doctoring their students' exams so they pass state tests. Who does that benefit? Not the students, who aren't learning anything. But it sure does make the teacher look good when all of her students pass exams. And let's say you didn't cheat on that Calculus class in college. Maybe you would have gotten a D, and maybe you wouldn't have graduated with such a great GPA, and maybe the company you work for wouldn't hire you. Or better yet...

Point #3: Adderal and Ritalin. You can throw any prescription drug in there that helps you focus and stay up later. I see a direct correlation here. If you don't actually study, the pills won't do anything for you, except give you dry mouth and insomnia...just like if you take steroids and don't work out. College kids all across the country are abusing these pills in order to pass classes and graduate with immaculate order to get a great job and get paid.

Point #4: Kenny Rogers and Lawrence Taylor. If you don't think Rogers was cheating in the Playoffs last year, you're kidding yourself. That brown smudge on his hand, which he claimed was "a clump of dirt" that accidentaly stuck to him? Photos show that it must have "accidentally" stuck to his hand at least 5 other times that year. And Lawrence Taylor has done cocaine at halftime of football games. Just think about that.

Speaking of LT, everyone makes such a big deal about baseball players on steroids. Yet football players seem to get looked over. Think about those 320 pound linemen working out all summer. And keep in mind that like half the 2003 Carolina Panthers... yes, the team that beat the Eagles in the NFC championship game...were convicted of taking steroids. And to top it off, one of the guys caught was the punter. The punter! Throw in Shawn Merriman, who was also convicted, and then try to remember Albert Haynesworth. Not the moment when he stepped on another player's face with his cleats, but right afterwards, when he was totally freaking out, yelling at the refs and his coach. What do you call that? Rage? Is that right? Blind rage? Steroids, eh....

At this point, everything in life (and sports) is so corrupted, that what can you do?
Just deal with it.

So when Bonds breaks Aaron's record, take comfort that for a lot of those homers, he was still the size of a normal human being. And that some of the pitchers he faced must have been on steroids, too. And that he has no friends and nobody likes him. And that he probably could hit .400 if people pitched to him.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan:

Ricky Williams was kicked out of the NFL for smoking marijuana.
Shawn Merriman missed 4 games for injecting steroids.

Must have been some of that performance-enhancing marijuana that I've heard so much about.

Have a great evening.

Down With Dope!

Monday, April 9, 2007

On the State of Jump-Shooting Cornerbacks...and more

First, let me say this:

Either fantasy baseball sucks, or I'm not as big a nerd as I thought.

Seriously, it would require me quitting my job in order to properly field a team.

I think the reason it's not working for me is the same thing that keeps me from getting into shows like 24, Lost, and the like, which is... I don't know.

Lack of attention span? Lack of TiVo?

Time will tell, or maybe not. Anyway, on to the blog.

Nostradomus had it easy on this one: Phils' bullpen blows another game! Great start, guys.

Speaking of Nostradomus, I was reading an article in Philadelphia Magazine about a mom who was going nuts over her child's college application process.

Her daughter answered the question, what 3 people from history would you have dinner with and why?

She answered like, Martin Luther King, Queen Elizabeth, I don't know, a lot of pretty poor answers. If I was on a college admissions staff, I would appreciate a kid who answered honestly. And for a 17-year-old kid, honesty will most likely include at least one actor or musician or popular teen idol. Seriously, wouldn't you rather have dinner with Britney Spears or Mick Jagger or Tom Cruise?

Anyway, my answer, as a 23-year-old college graduate, would be: Nostradomus, Hunter S. Thompson, and Jerry Garcia.

To recap, a doctor/prognosticator from the Middle Ages, a modern day psychadelic guitar player, and a reporter from the heart of the American counterculture.

I put a lot of thought not just in to the people I would like to talk to, but the dynamics of the group as a whole. You have to admit, hanging with that group would be pretty ridiculous and/or mind-bottling.... know, like when your thoughts are all trapped, like in a bottle.

Let me leave you with a list.

4 Songs that are better (or at least really good) acoustic:

1. Everlong - Foo Fighters

2. Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet

3. Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd

4. Here it Goes Again - OK Go

As an addendum to the list,

1 Song that I would like to hear acoustic (or just covered in a new way)

Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel

And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that the 2004 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles could have quite possibly fielded the greatest pick-up basketball team in NFL history.

PG Brian Dawkins (hard-nosed floor general a la Isiah Thomas)
SG Lito Sheppard (silky-smooth jump shot, great defense)
SF Terrell Owens (got invited to play for the Sacramento Kings summer league team)
PF Donovan McNabb (played Div. I ball at Syracuse)
C Jevon Kearse (they don't call him the freak for nothing)

Maybe add in LJ Smith, on account of all tight ends being great at basketball, and Jon Runyan, for intimidation purposes, and you've got a nice team.

Got anything better?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

More on the Phils

A couple of quick comments from the game the other night.

First of all, I know it goes against everything Philadelphia fans believe in, and I know he deserves it, but I think we should all stop booing Pat Burrell.

Listen, I know he sucks.

You know he sucks.

Hell, he knows he sucks.

But booing isn't gonna do anything good.

He's on our team, we need him to play his best, so let's cut him a break.

Here's what we can expect from him: 30 Home Runs, 100 RBI, countless called third strikes, and no clutch hitting.

If we get less than that, go ahead and boo.

But that's what we've come to expect, and that's (apparently) what we're paying him for, so let's just deal with it.

On a related note, people were throwing trash from the upper levels at the game on Wednesday.

I understand it's dollar dog night and college night, but that doesn't make any sense.

Trashing your home stadium?
Littering your field?
Throwing hot dog wrappers and beer bottles at the players you're paying to see?

Plus, the majority of it didn't even reach the field and just landed on other fans.

Other Philadelphia fans.

It doesn't make any sense.

Acting like that, it was embarassing to be a Philly fan.

And we don't deserve a championship.

I'm not trying to preach from my high horse, and you can bet that once we do win a championship I'll be on the 6 o'clock news burning couches and painting things inappropriate colors...but until then, let's just stick to what got us here:

Heckling opponents, second-guessing management, and vastly underrating our superstars.

Philadelphia, baby. Gotta love it.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, there will most likely be a brief moratorium on the blog until after the weekend, so you're gonna have to live without me.

On a final note, check out this clip, it's pretty hilarious.

Chomp Chomp!

Phils lost again.
Game-tying home run in the 9th inning.
Just like we've all said along, the bullpen is gonna make it hard for us this year.

It's like playing soccer without a goalie.

Still, though, I think we could have kept the game out of reach of the bullpens' hands. I'm probably missing something, but why would we have Victorina attempt to steal 3rd base with Ryan Howard up?? If he doesn't get walked, you know he'll hit it far enough to score a man from second...and if he gets walked, Utley is up next. But no. You had Victorino get caught stealing third, and then Howard thrown out at the plate.

That inning could have won us the game.

Oh well, it was great to get back to the ballpark, and see a game go extra innings.

We better get some relief.



Let's bring back that list from the other day, add a new category, and see what happens...


The Best Pro Nicknames
(in no particular order)

1. Chase the Bat (a simple yet effective variation of pat the bat)

2. T.J. Who'syourdaddy

3. Tim Biakabahtuaba (Touchdown Tim!)

4. Eric "sleeping with" Bieneimy

5. The Round Mound of Rebound, Sir Charles Barkley

And of course,

Someone too good to even be on a list...

Darren "Dutch" Daulton

Which reminds me, someday soon we will go over "High Hopes," the official, or at least the best, DVD of the 93 Phillies.

Let's just say it's hosted by Krukker and LA.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, let's go ahead and leave you with a line from Darren Daulton...

Are you ready?

I'm not gonna lie. I spent at leat 10 minutes looking at Dutch quotes on the internet. Bottom line, they are all ridiculous but need to be seen together to really appreciate it. He is a straight-shooter all the way.

I don't know how to post links, but I will try right now


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Paper Thin Walls

Good evening, ladies and gents.

Just received the new Kings of Leon and Modest Mouse cds in the mail today. (Because of the Times & We Were Dead Before this Ship Began to Sink, respectively)

Haven't listened to Modest Mouse yet, but the Kings cd shows promise.

It is definitely a lot denser than the first two albums, more "slow-burners" if you will. In that respect, it reminds me of the Strokes' third album, First Impressions of Earth. Nothing is going to jump out at you like The Bucket, California Waiting, or Slow Night, So Long did on previous albums. However, I have a feeling that after a couple of listens it's gonna be stuck in my head forever.

In other news, Keith Richards claims to have snorted his father. Literally. He mixed his dead dad's ashes with cocaine and snorted them. Let's get a quote.

"He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared ... It went down pretty well, and I'm still alive."

Keith Richards, everybody!

Well, the Phils lost yesterday in their home opener, thanks to a bullpen that everyone knew would suck. At least they're living up to expectations. At this point, I can see it being a recurring theme, unless we jump on team's early and blow them out, or get complete games from our starters.

I will be attending the game tomorrow night, so you can expect some better results.

And thanks to leaving work early, I should be able to get about 2 hrs. of tailgating in, which leads us to our first ever list.

So here we go, in no particular order...

Great Lawn (or beack, parking lot, office building) Sports

1. Horseshoes ("Horseshoes!" - Arrested Development (the band))
2. Bocce (my personal favorite, especially extreme bocce)
3. Washers (easy to make, easy to play)
4. Cornhole (don't let the name deceive you, and thank you W&L for the intro.)
5. Quates (a mixture of horseshoes, washers, and cornhole)

That's all I can come up with for now. Feel free to e-mail any suggestions.

On that note, enjoy the night, and Go Phils!

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, I think I should leave you with a Modest Mouse quote since I didn't really mention anything about the new album.

"It's been agreed the whole world stinks so no one's taking showers anymore."

Can't beat that.


Monday, April 2, 2007

March Madness (cont'd)

I just wrote the follow-up to March Madness detailing the Final Four match-ups (Weezer-Pearl Jam and RHCP-Sublime), and was literally on the very last sentence of the re-cap (writing the lyrics from the breakdown in Soul 2 Squeeze from memory) when my computer froze and erased everything. Needless to say, I am kind of pissed, and won't be writing that again.

Let me try and remember what I had written.

Something funny about Weezer losing to Pearl Jam, probably.

Some great jokes about overdosing in the RHCP-Sublime game...something along the lines of the Chili Peppers going on a run after John Frusciante returned from early foul trouble and how Sublime wasn't playing with any life in the 4th quarter.

Anyhoo, the majority of the article detailed the championship between RHCP and Pearl Jam.

There was a comparison of Pearl Jam to the Rolling Stones, with Nirvana playing the role of the Beatles...started in same place at same time, one peaked early and one kept on chugging along...
and also the reasoning behind the Chili Peppers' 87-84 win, which was capped off with a buzzer-beating three by Soul 2 Squeeze.

Speaking of which...

it's bitter baby and it's very sweet on a rollercoaster let me on your feet take me to the river let me on your shore ill be coming back baby ill be coming back for more swing a ling a ding a shug a dawg a doo im a mama wama and chugga chugga choo i could never forget and i will not remember simple pleasure was another but i wont regret it never!

I think that's word for word.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, I think that by the end of the Aught-Aughts (2000's), the 90s music I so dearly love might actually get a run for its money from some of the recent music if bands like The Strokes, Kings of Leon, White Stripes/Raconteurs, and all the other bands out right now can keep their shit together. Time will tell.

March Madness

Tonight is the NCAA championship. My money is on Florida They will win by at least 5 (hopefully). In the spirit of the season, let's try our hands at everyone's second favorite March Madness pasttime....that's right...a March Madness Music bracket! It's always fun comparing music to sports (I once made two baseball line-ups comparing American and British rock...unfortunately we lost to those limey bastards (the Sex Pistols were a surprise lockdown closer and Led Zep batted clean-up a la Ryan Howard))

So let's get on with it. In the spirit of brevity, we're already down to the Elite Eight. Also, The Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd mistakenly accepted invitations to the NIT. Good riddance, I say.

On to the first round match-ups:

(1)Nirvana vs. (8) Weezer
For the first time in history, a #1 seed has gone down in the first round! Blame it on Nirvana being a little rusty (they haven't practiced in like 8 years) or Weezer's frontman Rivers Cuomo constructing an excellent gameplan (that Harvard degree finally paid off), either way, I'm glad. Nirvana goes home packing.

(2)Pearl Jam vs. (7) Oasis
Nirvana's Seattle brethren fared a little better. The years on the road made PJ a battle-tested warrior, and they were able to outlast an admittedly winded Oasis. Rumor has it the Gallagher bros. engaged in some heavy pre-gaming on the flight across the Atlantic...and we're not talking about practice.

(3)Red Hot Chili Peppers vs. (6) Dave Matthews Band
In the battle of the abbreviated mega-bands, RHCP firmly took control in the fourth quarter as DMB began to wilt. RHCP has looked sharper than any other team so far, and may be an early favorite to cut down the nets. Let's see what happens in our final game from a stupendous opening round, the always exciting 4-5 match-up.

(4)U2 vs. (5) Sublime
A game featuring contrasting styles such as these is always interesting. U2, with it's nuanced offense and dogged approach to 'D' started the game with an attitude, apparently upset with their #4 seed. However, Sublime came out all over the place, shooting 3's, taking charges, and generally playing loud, out-of-control basketball that seemed to disrupt The Edge's low-post moves and Bono's calls for Peace. Sublime's the winner.

Should be an interesting Final Four: Weezer vs. Pearl Jam in our Eastern conference final, followed by RHCP vs. Sublime in our Western conference final. I love this game!
Final Four: 9:21 EST. Weezer +4.5, RHCP -1.5

Sunday, April 1, 2007

More on Pandora...and a movie pitch

So I mentioned in my last blog. I think I sold it short saying it's for indie/alternative rock. It's great for every type of music. Here's how it works: you type in a band's name on the website, and it automatically creates a radio station featuring that band and similar artists. Most of the bands you will never have heard of before. I first checked it out by putting in Red Hot Chili Peppers. From there I got kind of addicted and added like 10 bands. The coolest thing about it is all the stations stay saved, so now when I log in, I can choose which station to play, or I can play a compilation station, which is perfect, because it mixes all the statoins together. I've got a Roots station and a Talking Heads station and a few others, so it turns out to be a pretty sweet mix. And it's 100% free. I highly recommend it.

Since it's a Sunday and I have to go to work tomorrow, let's pitch a quick movie idea.

Picture Matthew Simon. He was president of his high school, went to a great college, grad school, works at a law firm, etc... Basically he has his shit together. Well now he's a little down in the dumps (girfriend broke up with him, got passed up for a promotion, some other stuff that I don't really want to go in to). Anyway, he kind of snaps, thinking how he spent his whole life preparing for the next thing. He was that guy who always had things planned out, always needed a reason for things. Now he is sitting in his old bedroom at his parent's house, flipping through his high school yearbook, wondering what went wrong. Fast forward to what's gonna happen in the movie:

He and three of his old buddies who haven't really done much with their lives end up going back to their old high school as teachers. Matthew is principal, his nerdy poindexter friend becomes the geometry teacher, his jock friend becomes football coach/gym teacher, and his smart stoner buddy ends up teaching history. Oh, and this sleazeball guy who tags along becomes the janitor.

Now, my original idea would have been for like, a total comedy. Picture Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, etc, playing the roles, or maybe the guys from Super Troopers. Instead, it might be a bit more serious, instead of just goofball funny. This is for 2 reasons. 1. Matthew realizes how these high school kids are falling for the same stuff he did, taking things too seriously, always looking ahead instead of enjoying the moment and 2. Because all the characters get something out of it in the end. The geometry teacher gets confidence by proving to himself that he is smart and he can talk in front of people and stuff. The stoner buddy gets really into history. He never had to try before so this gives him some direction. He is the one that ends up staying and being a teacher after the end of the movie. The ex-jock meathead guy gets back into shape and stops reliving his glory days (this guy was wearing his varsity jacket 12 years after the fact), and the sleazeball janitor gets to oogle high school chicks.

Oh, and furthermore, Susan, our old buddy Matthew Simon gets some meaning out of his life, and probably falls in love with some blonde science teacher who happens to be smoking hot.

Cal Ripken Caught in Steroid Bust!!!

In other news, April Fool's Day is probably my favorite holiday.

Every year I make a phone call and "get them good."

Here are my last 4:

4. "Hey Car [my older sister Carolyn] I don't know what happened last night but I am in jail right now. I think it's cuz I punched a cop. Can you pick me up?"

3. "Yo, what's up Emmett [leaving a voicemail for my cousin]? We got a couple kegs down by the woods. Tons of people, man. Come on by...Holy Shit! Is that a cop car? Fuck I gotta run...where's my jacket? Oh shit they got their sirens on! Thump thump thump....."

2. "Hey, mom. How's it going? Yeah, I 'm doing okay. Well, actually, I've got some bad news. The dean called me in for a meeting...and...apparently I didn't pass some class last semester and its "the final straw" or something, so I'm not allowed back on campus next semeter....Basically I got kicked out of college..."

1. Hey, mom. Umm...I guess this could be good news...I don't know how to tell you this, but....I got a girl pregnant..."

I have used all of these, and they all work great. It's the best holiday because people forget it all the time.

Anyhoo, it's getting a little late. Blogging is not for the faint of heart...or the chubby of fingers. I happen to be both ,so let's end this right now.

And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all 4 of my readers habitually listen to It's a great website if you like music and want more of it, especially indie/alternative rock. Boo-ya-ka-shaw! So check out Pandora and go prank somebody!!! "[borat voice] I like you!"