Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Some Quick Thoughts on a Tuesday...

Why would the Eagles trade Donovan McNabb, one of the best players at the most valuable and hard-to-replace positions, for a linebacker - one of the positions the Eagles have historically shown they do not value?

It makes no sense. And there is absolutely no way that would ever happen?

So why write the article then, Don McKee?


I'm not sure why he wrote it, I guess to sell papers. But all it's going to do is place another log on the already burning fire that is McNabb's dissatisfaction with the Eagles and the city of Philadelphia.

If you want to see what happens next, after continuous personal and professional attacks against a person, go ahead and re-watch some Sixers seasons, circa 2002-present...and then note that Iverson is now playing in the pristine, Rocky-Mountain-cold environment of Colorado, and that he will probably never come back again.

Why does Philadelphia feel the need to drive every one of its superstars out of town?

Lindros, Rolen, Schmidt (kind of), Iverson... is McNabb next?

If not, it certainly wouldn't be for a lack of effort.

We freaking booed the guy when we drafted him.

Imagine being a recent college graduate, getting drafted into the NFL, your lifelong dream, and getting booed on national television?


From there it's been an endless barrage of his playing style (he runs too much/he doesn't run enough, he gets injured too much/he shouldn't play when he's hurt, etc...) to his personal life (his mom and dad are too involved, he is too polite (!), he wouldn't be as respected if he were white, etc..)

Donovan McNabb is the best Eagle we have had in my lifetime. Just like Iverson was the best Sixer.

When can we appreciate how good we have it and not argue over the little things that don't really matter?

And let me just ask this one question: Do you think Donovan McNabb will win a Super Bowl before he retires?

I do. I just hope it is as an Eagle.

One other quick thought (granted the last one wasn't quick): if you're not wearing novelty suspenders, why are you even wearing suspenders?

And furthermore, Susan if you drive a Prius, I don't think you need a bumper sticker saying 'Jesus Loves You' or 'I Hate Bush' or 'Stop the War'....trust us, we already know how you feel.

It's like a cow sporting a PETA tattoo...a little redundant.

Come back soon, there will (read: might) be a special Memorial Day issue.

1 comment:

BC said...

Funny you should mention that Don McKee article. I emailed him about it and he actually wrote me back (first time that has ever happened) This is what he said:

I'm not advocating the trade. Just reporting on what's being discussed behind the scenes.

Remember, the Eagles drafted a new QB and have made it clear he will play ASAP. That will make donovan mcnabb a spare part. So other teams know he's available.


I followed up by asking him when the hell did the Eagles make it clear Kolb would play ASAP. No response, but I don't think they made this clear, ever. If they did we are in trouble.

As for the Prius thing, I agree that you don't need an 'I hate Bush' or 'Stop the War' bumper sticker because it is implied, but 'Jesus Loves You' doesn't quite fit the group. Loving Jesus=Loving America=Loving Freedom=Supporting Bush/War. Just my thoughts.