Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2008 Wishlist

Okay, it looks like 2008 has gone ahead and snuck up on us. I believe if I was a more thoughtful blogger, or perhaps just a more organized person, I would have posted a blog on or near Dec. 31 2007 that would have said things like:

Best Song of the Year:

Best Movie of the Year:

Best Philadelphia Sports Team of the Year:

Etc... of the Year:

But I didn't do that. And I don't think I have the authority to make those kinds of decisions.

The next step, as a thoughtful and organized person, would have been to post something on or near Jan. 1, 2008 that would say things like:

"It looks like a new year is upon us. My goals for '08 are to be a more thoughtful and organized person, blah blah blah."

Yeah, I didn't do that either. But there's nothing wrong with getting a late start to the party, so here goes my 2008 wishlist (as always, in no particular order).

(Editor's Note: Items No. 1 and 2 on the list are post-dated)

1. Patriots lose the Super Bowl

2. Giants lose the Super Bowl

3. Phillies sign a pitcher (Kyle Lohse)

4. Johan Santana gets injured in Spring Training

5. Eagles make a splash in free agency (WR, Safety, D-End)

6. McNabb stays in Philly

7. Phillies win a playoff series

8. Chase Utley wins MVP (Important: Only want this to come true if Phillies actually win playoff series...I don't want them to be known as the team with 3 MVPs and no playoff wins)

9. Eagles just give Brian Westbrook a bunch of money...I don't care how. Try another "bookkeeping error," bake it into a pie, send him a letter postmarked with a $2 million stamp Brewster's Millions style. Whatever, just pay the man.

10. Somehow the Sixers are able to get a great draft pick (top 6) without necessarily losing the competitive spirit they have been playing with. Kind of a Catch-22, I know, but this needs to happen. Getting the 12th pick in the draft is not going to do us any good. I don't want to trade Andre Miller, and I don't want to see any injuries, but maybe a compromise: A fake injury to Miller or Iguodala where they skip like 1 out of every 3 games. Or, we promise to David Stern not to tank on purpose, and further undermine the credibility of the league, in exchange for a disproportionate number of ping-pong balls. Seems reasonable.

(By the by, I just used the phrase 'undermine credibility.' Is there another way to adversely affect credibility other than undermining it? Is there anything else you can undermine other than credibility? Or are these guys like PB & J? I need an answer to this.)

So it seems like my 2008 wishlist revolves solely around the Philadelphia sports team, and specifically two of those teams. Whatever. As they say, I don't have bigger fish to fry.

Stay tuned, we are bringing blogs back in '08!

Oh, and furthermore Susan, Gobbler's Knob (of Groundhog Day fame) has banned alcohol. On a related note, I will be using Gobbler's Knob as my next fantasy sports team, trivia night, and Rock Band names.

1 comment:

Chris H. said...

you can 'undermine authority', and you can 'destroy all credibility,' to name just a couple of alternatives.